As long as everything goes at it should and I keep my shit together, this will be my last year as an undergrad. I am excited about school because it means interacting with adults again and getting out of the house on a regular basis, having a schedule. It also means Cole is going back to school and playing with other kids, someone else gets to do diaper duty and clean up after him. Good stuff. We had a lot of fun this summer, but I didn't get out and take him to playgrounds as much as I wanted to. I am so bad at creating a schedule for myself when I don't have something to go and do. I have learned this summer that I am NOT cut out to be a stay at home mom and homemaker. Some women are good at that. I am not one of them. While I did love having that time with Cole, I feel like it is better for both of us when I am in responsible mode for school. I just allow myself to relax and slip back into bad habits over the summer. Cole's bed time was ridiculously late most of the summer. I am ready to initiate a nice regular bedtime so I can make sure he gets enough sleep. We'll see how that works out. *smirk*
I thought I was going to get more babysitting jobs over the summer. I applied for a few and only got a couple of responses. The problem is that I can't just drop what I am doing and meet with the parents for an interview whenever it's convenient for them. I have a kid too. Parents don't want to have to care about their babysitter's kids. So I ended up up getting a LOT less work than I imagined for the summer. Oh well. My former neighbor was (is?) interested in having me bring Cole to watch her LO (who is only 5 days younger than Cole) at her house a couple of days a week. At first she was talking about the end of August/Beginning of September. Now she is saying possibly October. She is a bit of a flake and I doubt it will happen. But it would be nice if it did happen because it bring in an extra $100 a week which would help so much. But besides the fact that she is a flake, I also have to worry about moving my car while babysitting unless I get a neighborhood parking permit. Without one, there is only 2 hour parking allowed in the neighborhood (almost all neighborhoods in SF have this) or I get a ticket. So, like I said, chances are this isn't going to happen. But a girl can hope, right?
Well, better get to bed. Big day tomorrow!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Of course it's mostly my fault. First I found out that I missed the deadline to sign up for internship in the fall. Internship is required to graduate. Then I found out I missed my early priority registration date so I can't register for any classes until one month before classes start. Now I find out I have maxed out my student loans and have to scramble to find a way to pay for my last year at SFSU. As if we're not struggling as it is. There is a chance this means that Cole won't be able to go to the school daycare in the fall which breaks my heart the most. He was really flourishing there, making friends. It was so fun for him. The daycare provides him with a social learning environment that I just can't duplicate at home. I know we will find a way to make this work, but I am just floored at the road blocks I'm running into. I am so close to getting my BA. I HAVE to finish!! And I desperately want Cole to keep going to the daycare. It is so good for him. I was hoping to enjoy being done with the semester but now I just have something else school-related to stress about. Gaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Well, we survived the long drive to Southern California. The drive down wasn't all that bad but the drive up was not fun. Cole screamed for the last 2 hours of the 10-hour trip non-stop. It was worth it, though to be home that Sunday night rather than waiting and me driving back during the night with very little sleep and snow/ice on the Grapevine part of I-5. Cole was an absolute doll in his little suit he wore for the wedding, too.
Despite the butt-kicking of the fall semester, I got all A's! Well, one was a A- but I was thrilled with that! I thought I wouldn't get higher than a B in that class. Guess it paid off not missing any classes. Cole is going to be in daycare on campus for the spring semester. I managed to get all of my classes to be on Tuesdays and Thursdays which makes the daycare tuition very affordable. I think it will be really good for him to have more time around other people, especially other kids.
Cole's first Christmas was pretty awesome. He made out like a bandit. I still need to upload the pics from our camera from Christmas day. Of course I had to get a picture of him with Santa. I wasn't sure if he would freak out or not. He started to get a little upset, but the photographer's assistant was able to distract him long enough to get a great picture.
Cole turns a year old on Thursday. Wow. That's all I can say about that. Wow. So I think I will leave this post at that.